English Mindfulness Stories

Love yourself first

Love yourself first. Yes mi dear readers, both of you, you have to love yourself first. Does this mean only love myself? No, that’s why I end my sentence with “first” and not “only”. Why should I love myself first? You should love yourself first because it is the only way you can have real love in your life, or could you love your spouse, your kids, your friends or your pets with a heart that has hate in it? Some are saying “wait, I don’t love myself first, but I don’t hate myself, that’s going too far” But is it really? Tell me, if you don’t hate yourself, then why do you let that little bully inside your head call you all those names that it does? Wouldn’t you let someone else treat you like that? Or wouldn’t you, at the very least, be alarmed if you saw someone been treated like that? We are our worst critics, that we know, but sometimes criticism is over the top and turns into plain old abuse. And abuse ourselves we do, and a lot, don’t we? Not only with the little bully that lives inside our heads, but by our actions or inactions. Some of us drink too much, or smoke or abuse drugs. Some of us find comfort in food. Some of us don’t like to move to much, let alone exercise. Reality TV? Yes please! Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all we can. It’s been 5 minutes, selfie time. All this actions and inactions don’t come from a place of love of ourselves. We indulge in this behaviours because we hate ourselves? Not necessarily, mostly because we don’t even care to find out why we do them. We end up in patterns that feel good by accidents or because we intentionally put ourselves there, but with another end in mind. Little story follows to illustrate the point. I started smoking as a teenager because it was cool, I was short and that let me feel older, bigger in a way, so I smoked, really smart. Like all smokers I didn’t even like it when I started, but the feeling I got from other people looking up at me, or even noticing me more than compensated for it. And then I got used to it, the displeasure changed into pleasure, yes, smoking is pleasurable, and then both combined and that was it. By the time I quit smoking I was burning through 30 cigarettes a day and 15 years had gone by. Did I really love myself during that time? Certainly not because by then the dangers of smoking were well known by all and by me. Do I love myself more because I don’t smoke anymore? Yes, a little. So, to love myself I only need to quit vice? Not that fast my friend. Yes you should quit vice, but it’s not the only thing.sun-741812_960_720 To love yourself you need to go deeper and silence the little bully. You need to love you so much that your love irradiates from you to the world. It sounds terribly corny but it’s right. True love irradiates from you like light from a candle or a star. It’s brighter near the source and fades with distance, and the only way to shine bright enough to illuminate the whole world is to shine stronger at the source, and that’s within yourself. So, please, love yourself first.


English Procrastination Stories

Patience is a virtue, so they say

So here I am, waiting for some news from a client on what will happen with a project I’ve been pitching. They haven’t given me an answer, not a yes or a no. It gets to be really annoying doesn’t it? Waiting, expecting, imagining a bunch of “what ifs”. These “what ifs” feed our wild imagination that goes to places we wouldn’t have thought even existed in our minds. They build their own worlds with wonderful scaffolding that grows upwards in the most beautiful dreams, and that digs down dip into the most awful nightmares. Because we imagine great futures with this result as a starting point, don’t we? Nah, I’m sure you’ve never done it, am I right? But dreaming is not the problem here. The problem is when our next decisions come with the dream as a starting point. Because you know, “what if”. So we need now to be patient. We must take a page from meditation and learn to bring the focus to where we want it when our mind strays. Curiously this also happens to have something to do with procrastination. because one of the characteristics of a certain type of procrastinator is his inability to delay gratification. This procrastinator is impatient. He wants it all and he wants it now as the song says. His limbic system wins the battle over his prefrontal cortex and then he loses all control over his impulses. Whatever brings the most immediate pleasure is what gets done, what is important gets shoved to the later drawer.


This is the basis of the famous marshmallow experiment conducted at Stanford some 40 years ago by Walter Mischel. If you don’t know it I’ll give you the basics here. In this experiment the investigators tested the ability to wait of children of both sexes aged 7 to 9. What the kids had to wait for was, as the name may be implied already, eating a marshmallow. More precisely the experimenter left the kid in a room with a marshmallow and then told the kid that he or she could eat it immediately, but if they waited for him to come back a few minutes later he’d give them another marshmallow, so they could eat in fact two. The experimenter left the room and filmed the results. This is pretty much it. Then there’s the follow up studies, after many years follow up interviews were done with these kids, and the results were that those kids that showed more restraint, more patience, were the ones with better grades, were better adapted and more mature. Does that mean that we are screwed if we’re impatient? No, patience is an ability we can develop, like many others, the funny thing is that it requires dedication, and that means, yes, some patience, so it’s a little of a catch-22, but not that much. You can exercise patience by giving yourself a buffer time before making a choice or taking some action, like 5 minutes before pushing that “buy now” button on the web site, or sleeping on it when you have a big decision to take. I like to meditate. What do you like?

English Mindfulness

I chose to be happy

Sometimes I get frustrated, angry, sad in fewer words, unhappy. I might be driving down the highway and someone would cut me off and I’d get angry and curse, sometimes terribly angry, you might know the feeling, a murderer lurking behind your own gaze. Other times it might be a terrible sadness that takes hold of me, but it doesn’t start big, it grows, like a balloon being “inflated” by my own thoughts. All this is “happening” to me just by pure choice! After a while I start to come back and think “I’m so dumb I swear to you that I bring misery to my life.”

Lone tree
Lone tree Photographer Jon Ottosson

You know the feeling, yes you do, and you relate, yes you do. And you know what the worse part is? I do it to myself. Nobody else is responsible for the way I choose to feel and react. It may start innocently by thinking too much about something or someone and what I would have done if it is a memory. Or by thinking about what other people would think, about how other people would act, about how other people would react to something I’ve got to say. It’s not even real! But I’m sure you don’t do it, do you? Of course you don’t because that would be crazy, wouldn’t it? Truth is, we all do it, and it’s terrible, we cause ourselves and our loved ones so much suffering. So I’ve chosen not to undertake this imaginary battles, I still think what I’m going to say and plan what my moves would be according to this or that reactions, but a plan is not an enactment. So you can be a master of your own emotions here, not that hard, is it? So in every situation you can can choose how to feel, and I chose to be happy.


What’s love got to do… with procrastination and binge watching?

Here’s an article I read today on the Huffington Post. It’s about binge watching but the interesting part is about how this shows today are manufactured to get us pinned to our screens and they won’t let us go without us exerting a lot of willpower, and I mean a lot.

As a procrastinator I can tell you this is hard. My limbic system is always on the lookout for a new and improved fix from all those sweet distractions, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter even the Huffington Post or Business Insider, but the main culprit now is Netflix and that binge watching the so much like us to indulge in. I’ll shut up now and leave you with the article, you’ll see what I mean.

The Netflix Addiction: Why Our Brains Keep Telling Us to Press Play



I realize it’s a bold claim “be ready to be amazed” but that’s what we should strive for, bold, crazy goals. That’s what pushed us when we were young, ready to take on anything that came our way. Then our first setbacks came and we were told to slow down, to take it easy. More often than not it was our sweet dear mom who said this, trying to protect us from harm. Here we’re going to learn how to steer towards greatness again, not to take our eyes from the prize without dropping the ball before getting there.

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English Stories

The man with the torn coat

A man who used to work in an office in a big building downtown used the subway everyday for his commute. He was lucky enough to live in a city where public transportation works relatively well and this allowed him to walk a little every day, it was good exercise Beggar_with_a_Lyra,_by_Svishchev-Paola_1900severyday too. He would pass an old man who used to beg on a corner and everyday he would give him some coins, in one occasion he even gave him a bill. This daily ritual repeated itself until one day when the man had no coins and no bills, for the first time he was barely making ends meet. “I work hard for my money and I deserve a prize from time to time” he thought as he was buying that pair of gorgeous and expensive Italian shoes on which he had spent much more than he used to. He didn’t expect to be ambushed by all the emotions that he felt when he saw the old man and wasn’t able to give him any money. Surprise was the first emotion, surprise when he realized it was the corner where the old man used to be and that he couldn’t help him today. Shame was the second, shame when he tried to go back on his steps but they gaze of the old man crossed his own, who, upon seeing him, smiled, just a little. The third one was rage, the rage that he felt with the old man for making him feel ashamed, after all, it wasn’t his duty to give him money. Sadness was the fourth the sadness that the old man shared with him when the man told him “I don’t have money today old man, can’t you see I bought this gorgeous and expensive shoes and spent it all?” that’s when the smile on the old man’s face turned into a frown of extreme sorrow.  So great why the sadness in the old man’s face that the fifth emotion was curiosity, because by no means the amount that he used to give him could mean so much to him to cause this much pain. “Easy old chap, I’ll double it next time, don’t be sad, I owe you” he told him trying comfort him. The old man answered “What makes me sad is seeing myself, you know, I was you once, but somebody stole all my money and I ended up here, in the street
begging for money to survive.” The man was outraged, his sixth emotion, and said “that’s horrible, did you catch him? Did he escape? Why didn’t you get any of it back?” The old man answered serenely “He didn’t escape, as a matter of fact I see him all the time, the man who stole all my money and no I couldn’t get any of it back because he spend it all, every last cent.” The man felt his seventh emotion, disbelief. “How come you can see him everyday?” he said “at least tell me who he is so I can give him a piece of my mind, he cannot steal and not be punished” The old man stood up and stood tall, put his hand on the man’s shoulder and said “the thief who took all my money and left me begging on the streets is me, it was me because I didn’t save when I was young like you, for having spent it on shoes, travels, cars and restaurants, like you. That’s that’s why I was so sad to see you today with no money, because this will be the first of many days like that. You don’t owe me anything, but you owe yourself you owe the old man you will be one day.” The last motion of the men she was taking the old man’s hand in his was gratefulness.