Actionable English Mindset

Intermittent fasting

Picture, if you will, someone living in a great pasture somewhere in Africa. They have a pretty good life, for that standard, they don’t have a 12 hour a day job as their descendants will in some 15000 years or so, they don’t even have been enslaved by wheat, rice or some other crop as their descendants will be in some 5000 years or so, pretty good life. Now, it’s not all that easy and rosy. It will be hunted by predators, some of their same species, and have a better than even chance of dying in extreme pain, pretty fast though, so no that bad again. Well, this ancestor of ours didn’t have regularly scheduled meals as we do know, as a matter of fact, most of their proteins and fats they got intermittently, when they could catch it, the rest of the time they were eating here and there some nuts, insects and the like, but in small quantities. Now, I’m not going to promote a paleo diet here, not at all. What I’m going to argue for is the intermittent part. Intermittent fasting as it is being called nowadays. So, as I am not a nutritionist or a certified professional in this area I must tell you right now that this is not a recommendation but a testimonial of what I have been doing for the past few months, since April 2017. I have been eating breakfast and lunch and skipping dinner every day but once ever since. I haven’t changed anything else, not the quantities of what I eat on the meals that I still do have, and not the composition of those meals, so, I’m not trying to convince myself that I don’t want to eat delicious sugary pastries, drink coffee or eat meat, grains, fruits, vegetables and all the food I’ve learned to like by now. The trick has been only convincing myself every evening that I should not eat, at all, and that’s been that. What is supposed to be happening is that my body starts burning fat to compensate the lack of new nutrients, it’s also supposed to get freaked out that no new food is coming in so it starts hoarding fat. The paradox here is easily solved by noting the amounts that are burned, hoarded and most of all the new food that comes in when I do eat. The body won’t shut down, the fasting is not that severe and I am not starving, not by a long shot, so there’s no real danger on this dimension. The body will get the energy it needs to function where it is stored, in the fat that’s being accumulated during the feeding periods of the day, and it will use it, no deficit here either. The fact is, I’m ingesting far fewer calories than I was before, by my mediocre calculations I’m down to 1300kCal/day from 2000kCal/day. This is a big reduction, and it shows in my weight and figure. When I gain weight I tend to show it on my cheeks, all four of them. So, I’ve lost weight and body fat, I’m down to 65.5kg from 72.0kg and it seems I’m stable there. I am feeling good, not much better and no worse than before, but I am leaner, that’s for sure. I have to repeat myself here, I’m not recommending that you try fasting, I am not a professional of the fields of nutrition or health care, so, if you want to try it check with your physician, more so if your health is frail. If you do try it, share with us your experiences in the comments below, thanks for reading this.