English Growth Self-confidence

The last day of the year. 

Looking back on the year that has been and not label it an annus horribilis is difficult as it was a very hard time. The thing is that hard times don’t end when the calendar does, so they will probably extend well into 2017. That’s how it is. That being said, there are also many reasons to be thankful and hopeful. For starters I am alive. That may seem trivial but if you want to do things you first need to be alive. Secondly, I am healthy, less trivial than the first statement, now what I need to do next year is keep it that way, and that includes taking better care of my body and mind, so that goes to the “need to better next year” box. Thirdly I have people, I am not all alone. Although I love being alone and am seldom lonely I also love to spend time with some of you, not all of you at the same time, that’s insane, but some of you for a brief period is nice. Fourth and that’s more difficult. I have a way of producing income. I’m not producing as much as I could but I’m working on it so that’s another thing for the “need to better next year” box. Fifth is my take in the future, this one goes with the last one but also on my own mental imaging of the future, to give it more value than I’ve been doing so far. 

There they are, five points to ponder and be thankful and better next year, there are many more of course but those are, for me, the main ones. Some of you will be wondering where’s my spiritual side, or romance or whatever, feel free to update your own lists with what you feel and think is important to you and comment below if you like.

In the meantime, let me wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. 

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