English Growth Stories

Masquerade and vocabulary…

“There are lies, damned lies and statistics” Well, no statistics here today…

Hello my readers, all three of you. I’m here out of schedule because of something that happened to me recently and I’d like to share with you. I’m terribly disappointed as I’ve been duped by someone I trusted. We all use masks, that is the way we protect ourselves and we present ourselves to others so they will like us.

Maschera per il carnevale
Maschera per il carnevale

This masks might be more or less complex and we all know it, but there is a point where the mask detaches itself and transforms completely into it’s own distinct persona. When that happens and you are made to believe this persona is somebody else then there is something wrong, then there is pretense, there is trickery, there is deception. Deception, even with the best of intentions, is still deception. It destroys one’s confidence, sets you back to a point before the lie started and makes you question all the decisions you’ve made from that point on. And I can honestly say that if I hadn’t grown mentally as I have in the last months this would have been a terrible blow. But I have and it isn’t. I am, yes, disappointed, but that’s it. I am not angry because I’m really trying to expunge that feeling from my life. A few days ago I heard a Tony Robbins track where he speaks precisely of this in a way that was new to me. What he said was, to me, so new and so right that as soon as I heard it “became evident”. I am sure you know the feeling, it is the same feeling you have after solving a complicated riddle or a problem and finding the solution to many more from that, well, that was the feeling. He was saying how growing one’s vocabulary helps us growing one’s set of emotions. He used the example of anger. If the only word we have for it is anger then, mentally, we won’t differentiate between feeling a little angry or a lot, because the underlying emotion is the same, and even if it varies in intensity the effects on ourselves are the same. Now, if we have many words for that emotion, describing each one a different degree of the emotion, the underlying effects are not the same. The next step should be to ban from our vocabulary the word that has the most damaging effect on us. It may be because it takes us back to a moment so terrible that we are in a way reliving it because of the simple use of this word. Words may not be so powerful as smells triggering memories, but they are pretty good at it. So, back to this that happened to me. I’ve been set back and duped by people close to me, but I’m not angry, I’m just “peeved”, because getting all worked up about this will in no way help me getting my life back in place, it will take longer and more work, yes, but I’ll do it regardless. And you, what words will you ban from your vocabulary and thus create that change you need in your life?

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