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When you’re your worst enemy.

Low self-esteem can bring everything down.

So my dear reader, I’m going to tell you a story, again. It’s a story that happend to a friend, and yes, you might have one of your own like this one. This is the kind of person that would sabotage every opportunity available and afterwards be kicking the seat of the pants for for doing so. Well, this friend of mine went to a job interview. It was a good opportunity to continue a career left on hiatus for some years. So it was, the day on the interview, getting ready for it, with affirmations and visualization, meditation and breathing exercises. The resume was reviewed, again, checked all facts and dates, all was checked and ready. In the interview everything seemed
to be going great. Rapport was reached with the interviewer, who would have been the direct boss. This person said directly that he loved the resume, something my friend had never heard before because of how strange it is. The would be boss explained my friend all of the things they did at that place, how big, important, and complicated it was. My friend was impressed and in awe, working in a place like that would be great was the main thought. And then it came like a gust of wind from a hurricane. The would be boss told my friend “I want you to help me run this place”. My friend was overwhelmed, and it showed. For the expectation was for a low level management position and all of a sudden what was been offered was this super juicy fruit of a job, but with a lot more responsibilities. Well, there it is, opportunity knocking at the door, no more complaining that Lady Luck always passes by, almost. What happened next was to be expected. If it had been a movie this would be the part where we would be the spectators of the mythical train wreck, in slow motion and all. My friend hesitated, for a second, and the recruiter noticed, “you’ve got vertigo don’t you? Don’t worry about it, it’s the same thing you’ve done here and here in your resumei_always_look_down_on_myself___by_photohunny-d3h791a, just bigger, it’s only a matter of scale.” Not even those reassuring words from the recruiter could comfort the candidate. It was the same effect headlights have on deer on a mountain road at night, and the expression must have been very similar because the interview was pretty much over there and then. When my friend recovered the damage had been done, the enthusiasm the would be boss expressed was gone and he only managed to remind how this was a complicated process and he had more people to interview for the post. That was it. Or was it? The truth is dear reader that I can’t offer you closure right now because this is an ongoing situation, so we will see how it unfolds. If you want to know how this ends please come back later and you’ll know.

So tell me if you relate to this or are you full of confidence? Do you believe in yourself as much as this recruiter believed in my friend? Because this I can tell you for sure, I am my worst critic, my worst enemy. I am working on this and I am making progress, certainly I am. That little bully that lived full time inside my head has been evicted, he only comes once in awhile now, be he can still do a lot of damage. I’m working to get him out for good, but it’s not easy. So to you I say this my dear reader, you’re in for a treat if you’re willing to join me in my journey, you won’t be disappointed, or maybe you will, I don’t know… See, that little bully did it again, but I’m wrestling it down, want to see?

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