English Mindfulness

I chose to be happy

Sometimes I get frustrated, angry, sad in fewer words, unhappy. I might be driving down the highway and someone would cut me off and I’d get angry and curse, sometimes terribly angry, you might know the feeling, a murderer lurking behind your own gaze. Other times it might be a terrible sadness that takes hold of me, but it doesn’t start big, it grows, like a balloon being “inflated” by my own thoughts. All this is “happening” to me just by pure choice! After a while I start to come back and think “I’m so dumb I swear to you that I bring misery to my life.”

Lone tree
Lone tree Photographer Jon Ottosson

You know the feeling, yes you do, and you relate, yes you do. And you know what the worse part is? I do it to myself. Nobody else is responsible for the way I choose to feel and react. It may start innocently by thinking too much about something or someone and what I would have done if it is a memory. Or by thinking about what other people would think, about how other people would act, about how other people would react to something I’ve got to say. It’s not even real! But I’m sure you don’t do it, do you? Of course you don’t because that would be crazy, wouldn’t it? Truth is, we all do it, and it’s terrible, we cause ourselves and our loved ones so much suffering. So I’ve chosen not to undertake this imaginary battles, I still think what I’m going to say and plan what my moves would be according to this or that reactions, but a plan is not an enactment. So you can be a master of your own emotions here, not that hard, is it? So in every situation you can can choose how to feel, and I chose to be happy.

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